King George
It seems that the presnit has crowned himself king, by his statements in the press. It's time to throw the jerk to the lions, sorry lions, just a figure of speech, he is not anyone's king. He won't give Iraq back to it's people and he wants to give some of our ports to the UAE. The very country that supported that guy,,oh yeah,, Osama Bin Ladden. If he really had anything to do with the aledged attacks on 9-11-01 has yet to be truely proven, only evidence they have are CIA generated tapes of what they say is OBL. And the manner that the WTC buildings went down is much like a pre-planned demolition with charges planted in the right places to bring the building down on it's self.
Like Rome before it's fall it kept getting bigger and bigger, it did all right at first but they got greedy, and used national security as a reason/excuse for attacking someone else, and it didn't stop at just one country, does this 4000 year old bit of history sound familiar? Just because we have a similar form of government doesn't mean we need to repeat the mistakes of Rome. Our congress and senate have gotten fat and lazy off the bribes from the big corporations, very much like that of old Rome. They have failed to act as true representatives of the people, all the people since the 1860's. The Civil War marked the beginning of the end for the USA. Like Rome the USA is busy building walls in an occupied land and the leadership is failing to see what is right in front of them. More to come... HUMMMMMM
Like Rome before it's fall it kept getting bigger and bigger, it did all right at first but they got greedy, and used national security as a reason/excuse for attacking someone else, and it didn't stop at just one country, does this 4000 year old bit of history sound familiar? Just because we have a similar form of government doesn't mean we need to repeat the mistakes of Rome. Our congress and senate have gotten fat and lazy off the bribes from the big corporations, very much like that of old Rome. They have failed to act as true representatives of the people, all the people since the 1860's. The Civil War marked the beginning of the end for the USA. Like Rome the USA is busy building walls in an occupied land and the leadership is failing to see what is right in front of them. More to come... HUMMMMMM
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